
A.I. 4 everyone!

some use cases

# Chatgpt:

November 30th was the launch of the next version of #ChatGPT of OpenAI .

Adoption of this version of #ChatGPT has been impressive. We’ve been talking for years about AI and many use cases existed (mainly in b2b). In the past the use cases i was in contact with were all pretty complex and focus on hyperautomation ( adore4customs of AE for example) or predictive modelling etc.. 

#chatGPT seems to be the killer app, the moment that AI is coming to the masses.

All over the world use cases have appeared and have widely spread through social platforms (linkedin, twitter,….). The current version received reactions from flabbergasting to useless. 
ChatGPT through the lens of The Dunning-Kruger effect

@Google Bard 
On 6/2/2023 Google announced Bard base on LaMDA(Language Model for Dialogue Applications)  : announcement of ceo can be found here

My takeaway :

I believe strongly in this technology and this will be the start of a lot of evolution and even disruption . I embrace it entirely (with a healthy dose of criticism on bias, ethics and geopolitical impact) and advice everybody to experiment with it. Rapidly more and more people will be convinced that this is “human assisting technology”. Use of AI knowledge/tooling will be omni-present and even a necessity:

As a non-technical person i experimentee with it to write postes, e-papers, create podcast, combination of chatgpt and video etc…

Hereby some interesting articles and information: please send over any  interesting info and i will add it here:
Update 11/4 : Next wave coming: Give your own AI agent a goal and watch as it thinks, comes up with an execution plan and takes actions. Test it at:

and on 31/1/2023 an AI classifier was launched detecting #AI generated texts : click here

- Browse the largest database of AI info & tools : and the generative AI landscape:

- #Chatgpt is not the only interesting efficiency enhancing tool: here 43 to boost your productivity  : 

- #and here another interinsting list of Sam Szuchan (thx for bringing this to my attention : Eve Vleminckx : 

- as well as the favourite list of Romea Bancel

- chatgpt for user stories:

-chatgpt for storytelling: interesting prompts:

- chatgpt for offensive security:

- chatgpt for marketing(scripts/tiktok video's, seo, facebook meesages, tweets,..... ) : and :

- linkedin group: focus on use cases in software engineering with chatgpt:

- building a chrome extension app with chatGPT with zero coding : need an idea , chatgpt and text editor : 

- python projects with chatgpt:

- speed of adoption:


Uncertainties are here to stay : a World Economic Forum Report
however : in every challenges lies an opportunity