Stijn Vander Plaetse Important Responsibilities of Leaders Leaders play a crucial role in the success and growth of a company. They have numerous responsibilities. A GO to bring them together with a ranking of importance and without doubt a basis for discussi... 17 apr. 2023
Stijn Vander Plaetse Transformations : often not in 1..2...3 Contexts change rapidly and organisations need to transform. Often one tends to underestimate the required timing. The timing of a transformation ( a transformation is not a (digitalisation) project )... 14 feb. 2023
Stijn Vander Plaetse Boost Employee Engagement with a Clear Strategy! E mployee engagement, a topic of utmost importance in any organization, requires a concerted effort from all leaders and managers. Despite numerous programs, statistics show that engagement level rema... 1 feb. 2023
Stijn Vander Plaetse A.I. 4 everyone! Delen # Chatgpt : November 30th was the launch of the next version of #ChatGPT of OpenAI . Adoption of this version of #ChatGPT has been impressive. We’ve been talking for years about AI and many use ... 16 jan. 2023
Stijn Vander Plaetse Uncertainties are here to stay : a World Economic Forum Report Delen In 2020 COVID did hit society. After a standstill society and businesses adapted rapidly and for example hybrid working became the new normal (although many organizations are still struggling to... 12 jan. 2023
Stijn Vander Plaetse API business: let's talk value first Delen Many experts work in projects where API's* are important enablers in the success of transformations. Although from a conceptual point of view it sounds easy to open assets of an organization, th... 9 jan. 2023 General
Stijn Vander Plaetse Trends 2023 and beyond Delen Prior i start a reflection i always scan trend reports. It provides ideas, triggers questions. I strongly believe we need to share this information more openly: hereby a number of useful sources... 5 jan. 2023 General
Stijn Vander Plaetse Not every project is a Digital Transformation! What is ? Not every change is a digital transformation. Digital transformation is a "container word" nowadays. I prefer to use a number of definitions to show the impact : Not every change is a digita... 4 jan. 2023 General
Stijn Vander Plaetse Why an external consultant/advisor? An external strategy consultant can help a company turn a challenge into an opportunity by providing objective, unbiased insights and recommendations based on their expertise and experience. The consu... 4 jan. 2023 General